Yasmine Anlan Huang b. 1994


Yasmine Anlan Huang (b.1996, Guangzhou, China) is an artist and writer migrating from cities to cities. Diving into the complexities of ingénue or shōjo archetype across diverse cultures, her works dedicate to uncover hidden power structures and decolonize storytelling. Huang's works have been featured internationally, including Whitney Biennial 2024, Power Station of Art, Peckham24, HART Haus, Tabula Rasa Gallery, with solo or duo exhibitions at Floating Projects, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, Seoul National University Woosuk Gallery and Goethe-Institut Hong Kong (forthcoming). She has been awarded residencies in Skowhegan School of Painting & Sculpture, Wassaic Project, Penland School of Craft, among others. Her writings and translations appeared in Heichi Magazine, p-articles, SAMPLE Mag, and many other platforms. Her debut book of poems and essays, Love of the Colonizer, has been published by Accent Sisters. 


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