TIMEOUT: LES Gallery Night is back this Thursday

View amazing art, for free!
Melissa Kravitz Hoeffner, TIMEOUT, February 16, 2022

A great night out in New York doesn’t usually come cheap, but we have an in for you: LES Gallery Nights. The monthly event promoting local art spaces on the Lower East Side returns on Thursday, February 17. It’s the perfect way to up your cultural intake, and keep your cash. (Unless you’re in the market to buy some masterpieces, which, by all means, go for it!)


LES Gallery Night curates a self-guided walking tour of some of downtown’s coolest art spaces. Participating galleries and studios stay open after hours to allow visitors to interact with the work and the neighborhood in a new way. And yes, it’s all free! It takes place the third Thursday of every month, from 4pm–8pm, with dozens of spaces to stop into, all organized via Google Map

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